Sunday, December 28, 2008

aku dibius tagggggg.....

tag lg...aku d tag..hallamak...mcm aku dibius cinta la plak...hahaha...woit rasydan...apsl soklan smue x m'cbar....tnye la ble aku sunat ker....tnye nme tok mudim yg sunatjn ak ker...tnye ble aku nk ad ank ker...haha

1. I love..
Allah,Rasulullah,(knpe org slalu ckp mcm nie tp ttap ingkr dgn peraturanny..???)
my family....

2. Right now I want...
>>to type diz answer...

3. I feel like...
>>tdo lbeh baek....

4. I hate it when...
>>i don like it...

5. I fear...

6. I'm lonely without...
>>frenz n ***

7. I need...
>>cuci mata..hahah

8. Today I..
>>bru blk ukm..

9. Tomorrow I...
>>x tau ap akn b'laku...

10. I just...
>>want to sleep..

11. I want to meet...

12. I love it when...
>>it can make me smile...

14. I'm afraid of...
>>my result..hahaha

15. I'm listening to...
>>bunyi pintu t'tutup dgn sndrinya apbl ditiup angin...

17. I wish I was in...

18. I want to get...
>>anythg that i want...

19. I can...
>>punch rasydan..haha

20. I can't...
>>bite raysdan...

21. I have...
>>>my family

24. I haven't...

25. I'm nervous to...
>>cuci pinggan

26. My parent think i'm...
>>wat i am...

27. I think...

28. I'm happy when...
>>i punch rasydan nydp amin

29. I'm sad when...
>>rasydan nydp amin punch me

30. I like eating...
>>telor mata kucing

31. I hate eating...
>>dedak ayam

32. I love watching...

33. I love listening to...
>>akil khayy

34. I like playing...
>>my kaki...wahahha...

ksian kt epen...woi pen...aku tag ko nie..hahahah

1 comment:

Mohd Rasydan said...

haha.. amboi.. sronok nak menumbuk aku..